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Essential Tech Stacks & Tools

  • MERN: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js

Web tools:

  • Babel: Babel is a Javascript to Javascript transpiler used to make different JS versions compatible on older generations of Web browsers. Do you need to know it, probably not.
yarn babel index.js --presets "@babel/preset-env"
yarn babel index.js --presets "@babel/preset-env"
  • Webpack: It would be nice to bundle all of your files into one single file so you don't have to manage a bunch of different <script> tags in your HTML. As with most modern bundling systems, the core solution that webpack (or these days vite) solves, is that you can import javascript files into other Javascript files (courtesy of es modules?). Then webpack bundles them all into one big script.
# in webpack.config.js
module.export = {
 entry: "./index.js"

$ yarn webpack --config webpack.config.js
# in webpack.config.js
module.export = {
 entry: "./index.js"

$ yarn webpack --config webpack.config.js

The dist directions is where compiled target are placed.

But webpack doesn't have comms with babel