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Using Nix

Hint: whenever you see nix-<command> it's probably not what you want, the new way to do everything is with the nix <command> style.


The following command will enter you into a Nix shell with the supplied programs available. This is a great way to test a program, or use it temporarily, without having to keep it installed on your system

nix-shell -p program1 program2
# exit the shell with 'exit' or 'Ctrl+D'
nix-shell -p program1 program2
# exit the shell with 'exit' or 'Ctrl+D'

Search for packages at Once you've located a package. start a shell with that package using the -p/--packages flag.

nix develop


When entering into a folder with a flake.nix file, use nix develop to initialize you development environment given what is specified in the Flake.

Use nix develop -c $SHELL to enter into the shell defined by $SHELL

You can define development environment of ay complexity using the Nix language.

You activate a Nix environment with the nix develop command.

nix develop <flake_reference>#<some_flake>
nix develop <flake_reference>#<some_flake>

Where for example <flake_reference> is the package source, can be (and often is) nixpkgs, or it can be github:DeterminateSystems/zero-to-nix (or any git repository); and <some_flake> is a flake output that can be found in the flake.nix of the flake reference.

Nix dev enviornments can be used to initialize shell hooks (code that runned when the env is started), and environment variables.

You can also run arbitrary commands that use the enviornment, but you never enter the environment yourself. do this by appending the -c/--command argument to nix develop

nix develop "github:DeterminateSystems/zero-to-nix#example" --command curl
nix develop "github:DeterminateSystems/zero-to-nix#example" --command curl

Some awesome dev enviornment templates for various languages are available here:

But you can define aribtrarily complex environment with tools such as kubernetes, terraform, openSSL, etc.

nix build

will also build a flaske but place the relevant items into a result directory. nix build .#a_flake_to_run


The most important built-in function is derivation, which is used to describe a single derivation (a build action). It takes as input a set, the attributes of which specify the inputs of the build.

Make Packages

nixpkgs is a community maintained list of packages that you can pre-install, but sometimes you need to be able to create your own.

Nix language

Standard environment:

fully functional

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
	  packages.ax86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
	  packages.ax86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello

The above snip defines a function output of one argument, whereby it appears as two arguments { self, nixpkgs } using a standard destructuring system (like JS), e.g., { self, nixpkgs } = input. Both self and nixpkgs then expose themselves to the function output.

  outputs = { 
      self, nixpkgs 
  }: let 
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    # 'inherit system' is the same as 'system = system'
    pkgs = import nixpks { inherit system; } 
  in {
      packages.${system} = {
    	  myPackage = pkgs.firefox  

(noteL spacing not correct)
  outputs = { 
      self, nixpkgs 
  }: let 
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    # 'inherit system' is the same as 'system = system'
    pkgs = import nixpks { inherit system; } 
  in {
      packages.${system} = {
    	  myPackage = pkgs.firefox  

(noteL spacing not correct)

The above snip uses a let in syntax to define additional variables for easier access


is a key to understanding how to compose derivations in a flake.nix file.

  • Use buildInputs = [ ] to specify the dependencies you want in your environment.
  • Use nativeBuildInputs for packages that would otherwise be available on the base system, but aren't required at runtime, e.g., cmake, gcc, clang, pkg-config, etc
  • Use propogatedBuildInputs for dependencies that you need to propogate to anything using the Flake.


Let you change or introduce packages that aren't available on the main pal=ckage set through nixpkgs. This way, you can apply overlays to create new package sets

This overlay works

overlays.default = final: prev: {
  package1 = self.packages.${prev.system}.default;
overlays.default = final: prev: {
  package1 = self.packages.${prev.system}.default;

Where previously in the flake a packages.default is defined.

Also note that when using the flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem you need to merge the sets of the output flake using the // syntax. Ref: Ref:

Now, in another flake that has theis flake as as input, once you add it as on overlay with


Using direnv

this will search for the file .envrc in each folder and execute steps when you enter the folder.

Using Home Manager

Ask Home Manager to build and deploy the environment defined by our home.nix with a single command:

$ home-manager switch
$ home-manager switch

Outstanding questions

Keys: a flake has to be tracked by git to work correctly.

My Config requirements

  • .profile: not done
  • .zshrc: not done
  • home-manager folder with flake and home: not done
  • What goes in .config/nixpkgs/ folder?