C++ Syntax Cheatsheet
Using Lambdas in C++
Structure of a lambda in C++
auto func = [<capture_clause>] (<arguments>) {
// ...lambda body
auto func = [<capture_clause>] (<arguments>) {
// ...lambda body
Capture Clause. A lambda expression begins with a capture clause, which captures variables from its envrionment for use in the lambda expression. A capture clause is specified with []
and should specify the variables being used in the lambda.
There are three specific wildcard types that are useful when specifying capture clauses.
means the lambda doesn't take any variables from its environment.[=]
means that all variables that are used are captured by value.[&]
means that all variables that are used are captured by reference.
For example, all of the below capture clauses are equivalent.
[&variable1, variable2]
[&, variable2]
[=, &variable1]
[&variable1, variable2]
[&, variable2]
[=, &variable1]
vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// Option 1: Index-based for loop
for (auto i = 0; i < v.size(), i++) {
// ...
// Option 2: Range-based for loop
for (auto item : v) {
// ...
vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// Option 1: Index-based for loop
for (auto i = 0; i < v.size(), i++) {
// ...
// Option 2: Range-based for loop
for (auto item : v) {
// ...