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Essential Vim Commands

Changing Modes

  • A - Enter INSERT mode at end of line

  • a - Enter INSERT mode at end of character

  • I - Enter INSERT mode at start of line

  • i - Enter INSERT mode at start of character

  • o - Enter INSERT mode on new line below

  • O - Enter INSERT mode on new line above

  • v - Enter VISUAL mode

  • Ctrl-v - Enter VISUAL BLOCK mode

  • Shft-v - Enter VISUAL-LINE mode and highlight current line

Editing Text

  • y - Yank/copy current selection
  • p - Paste content at end of character
  • P - Paste content at beginning of character
  • u - Undo command
  • Ctrl-r - Redo command
  • x - Delete current character
  • In VISUAL mode:
    • u - Convert all characters to lowercase
    • U - Convert all characters to uppercase
    • ~ - Switch captialization of all characters

  • dw - Delete word from cursor to end of word
  • diw - Delete whole word with cursor on any character
  • b - Go to beggining or word
  • e - Go to end of word
  • gg - Go to first line
  • Shft-g - Go to last line

  • /<expression> - Search current document for <expression>

  • :%s/<expression>/<replace>/<option> - Replaces all occurances of <expression> with <replace>

    • <option> = c - Require confirmation before replacing

Managing Code

  • gcc - Comment current line (from vim-commentary)
  • gc - Comment current selection (from vim-commentary)
  • gd - Go to definition (from Coc)
  • gy - Go to type definition (from Coc)
  • gi - Go to implementation (from Coc)
  • gr - Go to reference (from Coc)
    • Opens window showing references/occurances of the object
  • Ctrl-o - Move backwards in the jumplist (useful for exiting go to commands)
  • Ctrl-i - Move forwards in the jumplist

  • zo - Open current fold
  • zc - Close current fold
  • zR - Open all folds
  • zM - Close all folds

Managing Files, Windows, and Tabs

  • F2 - Open tree file explorer (or :NERDTree)
  • \ff - Open Telescope file finder (or :Telescope file_finder)
  • \fg - Open Telescope live grep (or :Telescope live_grep)

  • Ctrl-w - Enter window adjustment mode
    • s - Horizontal split
    • v - Vertical split
    • q - Close active window
    • w - Go to next window
    • j/k/h/l - Move to window in direction

  • :sp - Splits horizontally
  • :vsp - Splits vertically
  • :so <file> - Sources the file

Wrapping Braces

Use of nvim-surround Highlight text in VISUAL mode and use S{ replacing { by the character you want to surround with.